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PHP Ruby Python

GLExchange - Main Class

class GLExchange
    private $pdConfig; // PDConfig
    private $submission; // Submission
    private $projectService;
    private $userProfileService;
    private $targetService;
    private $documentService;
    private $submissionService;
    private $workflowService;
    function GLExchange($connectionConfig) 
    private function _setConnectionConfig($connectionConfig)
    private function _convertTargetsToInternal($targets)
    private function _createSubmissionInfo()
    private function _createWorkflowRequest($submissionWorkflowInfo)
    private function _validateDocument($document)
    private function _validateSubmission($submission)
    function downloadTranslationKit($submissionWorkflowInfo)
    function getProject($projectShortCode)
    function getProjects()
    function getSubmissionTicket()
    function getSubmissionName($submissionTicket)
    function cancelTargetByDocumentTicket($documentTicket, $locale)
    function cancelTarget($targetTicket)
    function cancelSubmission($submissionTicket, $comment = NULL)
    function downloadTarget($ticket)
    function findAvailableWorkflowInfosForClaim($limit)
    function findAvailableWorkflowInfosForDownload($limit)
    function getCancelledTargetsBySubmission($submissionTickets, $maxResults)
    function getCancelledTargets($maxResults)
    function getCompletedTargetsByProject($project, $maxResults)
    function getCompletedTargets($maxResults)
    function getCompletedTargetsBySubmission($submissionTickets, $maxResults)
    function getPreliminaryTargets($submissionWorkflowInfo)
    function getUnstartedSubmissions($project)
    function initSubmission($submission)
    function isSubmitterValid($shortCode, $newSubmitter)
    function sendDownloadConfirmation($ticket)
    function startSubmission()
    function uploadReference($referenceDocument)
    function uploadTranslatable($document)
    function uploadTranslationKit($fileName, $data)
class GLExchange


    def initialize(config)
    def cancelDocument (documentTicket, locale = nil)
    def cancelSubmission (submissionTicket, comment = nil)
    def downloadTarget (ticket)
    def getCancelledTargets (maxResults)
    def getCancelledTargetsBySubmission(submissionTicket, maxResults)
    def getCompletedTargets (maxResults)
    def getCompletedTargetsByProject (project, maxResults )
    def getCompletedTargetsByDocuments (documentTickets, maxResults )
    def getCompletedTargetsBySubmission(submissionTicket, maxResults)
    def getProject(shortCode)
    def getProjects
    def getSubmissionName (submissionTicket)
    def getSubmissionTicket
    def getUnstartedSubmissions (project)
    def initSubmission(submission)
    def isSubmitterValid(shortCode, submitter)
    def sendDownloadConfirmation (ticket)
    def startSubmission
    def uploadReference (referenceDocument)
    def uploadTranslatable (document)
    def createSubmissionInfo
    def validateDocument (document)
    def validateSubmission (submission)
    def addHeaders (obj)
    def setConnectionConfig(config = nil)
class GLExchange:
    def __init__(self, config):
    def setConnectionConfig(self, config):
    def __setHeaders(self):
    def __createSubmissionInfo(self):
    def __getDocumentInfo(self, document):
    def __getDocumentTargetInfos (self, document):
    def __getDocumentResourceInfo(self, document):
    def __validateDocument (self, document):
    def __validateSubmission (self, submission):
    def cancelDocument (self, documentTicket, locale = None):
    def cancelSubmission (self, submissionTicket, comment = None):
    def downloadTarget (self, ticket):
    def getCancelledTargets (self, maxResults):
    def getCancelledTargetsBySubmission(self, submissionTicket, maxResults):
    def getCompletedTargets (self, maxResults):
    def getCompletedTargetsByProject (self, project, maxResults ):
    def getCompletedTargetsBySubmission(self, submissionTicket, maxResults):
    def getProject(self, shortCode):
    def getProjects(self, includeSubProjects):
    def getSubmissionName (self, submissionTicket):
    def getSubmissionTicket(self):
    def getUnstartedSubmissions (self, project):
    def initSubmission(self, submission):
    def isSubmitterValid(self, shortCode, submitter):
    def sendDownloadConfirmation (self, ticket):
    def startSubmission(self):
    def uploadReference (self, referenceDocument):
    def uploadTranslatable(self, document):

This is the main API class. It will initialize a connection to Project Director. Different methods are available to perform the necessary operations:

Method Returns Sumary
getCancelledTargets Array Get cancelled targets for all projects or Get cancelled targets for a submission
getCompletedTargets Array Get completed targets for all projects or Get completed targets for specified project or Get completed targets for submission
getCompletedTargetsByDocuments Array Get completed targets by document tickets
getProject String Get project by it`s shortcode
getProjects Array Get all user projects
getSubmissionName String Get Submission name for specified ticket
getSubmissionTickets String Get Submission ticket if a submission has been initialized
getUnstartedSubmissions Array Get Unstarted Submissions
getSubmissionStatus Boolean Get Submission status for specified ticket. True if submission is complete.
isSubmissionComplete Boolean Get Submission status for specified ticket. True if submission is complete
startSubmission String Start Submission
Method Parmeter Sumary
cancelDocument documentTicket Cancel document for all languages or Cancel document for specified target language
cancelSubmission submissionTicket Cancel Submission for all languages or Cancel Submission for all languages with comment
downloadCompletedTarget maxResults Download all completed targets and returns targetTicket
sendDownloadConfirmation targetTicket Sends confirmation that the target resources was downloaded successfully by the customer
initSubmission submission Initialize a new Submission where submission object contains the PD submission configuration
uploadReference referenceDocument Upload reference file for submission
uploadTranslatable document Uploads the document to project director for translation and returns documentTicket
uploadTranslationKit fileName & data Uploads preliminary delivery file to project director

Models Classes


class PDProject {
    public $shortcode;
    public $name;
    public $ticket;
    public $languageDirections = array ();
    public $fileFormats = array ();
    public $workflows = array ();
    public $customAttributes = array ();
    function PDProject($externalProject)
class PDProject

    attr_accessor :shortCode
    attr_accessor :name
    attr_accessor :ticket
    attr_accessor :languageDirections
    attr_accessor :fileFormats
    attr_accessor :workflows
    attr_accessor :customAttributes

    def initialize(externalProject)
        @name =;
        @shortCode = externalProject.projectInfo.shortCode;
        @ticket = externalProject.ticket
        @languageDirections =
        @fileFormats =
        @workflows =
        @customAttributes =
class PDProject:
    shortCode = ''
    name = ''
    ticket = ''
    languageDirections = []
    fileFormats = []
    workflows = []
    customAttributes = []
Method Returns Sumary
getShortcode String Get the Project Short Code in PD
getName String Get the Project Name in PD
getTicket String Project ticket, an internal ID required for creating submissions
getLanguageDirections Array Gets the list of language directions configured for the project
getFileFormats Array Gets the list of File Formats configured for the project
getWorkflows Array Gets the list of Workflows configured for the project
getCustomAttributes Array Gets the list of configured attributes for the project


class PDSubmission {
    public $customAttributes;
    public $dueDate;
    public $instructions;
    public $isUrgent;
    public $metadata;
    public $name;
    public $project;
    public $pmNotes;
    public $submitter;
    public $ticket;
    public $workflow;
class PDSubmission
    attr_accessor :customAttributes
    attr_accessor :dueDate
    attr_accessor :instructions
    attr_accessor :isUrgent
    attr_accessor :metadata
    attr_accessor :name
    attr_accessor :project
    attr_accessor :pmNotes
    attr_accessor :submitter
    attr_accessor :ticket
    attr_accessor :workflow
class PDSubmission:
    customAttributes = []
    dueDate = ''
    instructions = ''
    isUrgent = False
    metadata = {}
    name = ''
    project = None
    pmNotes = ''
    submitter = ''
    ticket = ''
    workflow = None
Method Returns Sumary
getDueDate Date Returns due date of submission
getInstructions String Returns submission instructions
getMetadata Hash Returns submission metadata
getName String Returns submission name
getPmNotes String Returns submission PM notes
getProject String Returns the project shortcode in which the submission was created
getSubmitter String Returns submission submitter
isUrgent Boolean Returns if submission is urgent or not. True if submission was set as urgent.
Method Parmeter Sumary
setCustomAttributes customAttribute Optional - Set custom attributes.
setDueDate dueDate Optional - Due date by when the submission should be completed in Project Director. This should always be greater than current date. If due date is not specified, Project Director will rely on the configured language model to calculate a due date
setInstructions Instructions Optional - Set instructions for the translators
setMetadata metadata Optional - Key-value pair of metadata, metadata is not readable in PD UI although Custom attributes are.
setName name Name of the submission that will show up in Project Director
setOwner owner Optional - Set the submitter to a user other than the logged in user
setPmNotes pmNotes Optional - Notes for the project managers
setProject projectShortcode Set the project for which this submission will be created
setSubmitter submitter Optional - Set the submitter to a user other than the logged in user
setUrgent TRUE or FALSE Optional - Set priority. Defaults to Normal


class PDDocument {
    public $data;
    public $name;
    public $sourceLanguage;
    public $targetLanguages;
    public $clientIdentifier;
    public $encoding = "UTF-8";
    public $fileformat;
    public $instructions;
    public $metadata;
    public function getDocumentInfo($submission)
    private function getTargetInfos()
    public function getResourceInfo()
class PDDocument
    attr_accessor :data
    attr_accessor :name
    attr_accessor :sourceLanguage
    attr_accessor :targetLanguages
    attr_accessor :clientIdentifier
    attr_accessor :encoding
    attr_accessor :fileformat
    attr_accessor :instructions
    attr_accessor :metadata
    def initialize 
        @encoding = "UTF-8"
        @clientIdentifier = nil
    def getDocumentInfo(submission)
    def getTargetInfos (submission)
    def getResourceInfo
class PDDocument:
    data = ''
    name = ''
    sourceLanguage = ''
    targetLanguages = []
    clientIdentifier = None
    encoding = "UTF-8"
    fileformat = ''
    instructions = ''
    metadata = {}

This class will determine the necessary attributes to start a submission:

Method Returns Sumary
getDocumentInfo Object Internal method used by the UCF API
getFileformat Array File Format profile that defines the parsing rules for the document
getResourceInfo Object Internal method used by the UCF API
getSourceLanguage String Shows the configured source language for an already sent document
getTargetLanguages Array Shows the list of configured target languages for an already sent document
getMetadata Object Shows the metadata configured for the document sent
Method Parmeter Sumary
setClientIdentifier UID at client’s System Specify a unique identifier for this document (if one exists) in the content management system
setEncoding encoding Set encoding for the document to be uploaded
setFileformat fileFormat If not set, defaults to configured fileFormat on project director
setInstructions instructions Additional metadata that you may want to attach to your document
setSourceLanguage sourceLanguage Set Source Language of the document that requires translation
setTargetLanguages targetLanguages Set target languages into which this document will be translated
setMetadata metadata Set metadata for the document being submitted for translation


Reference documents contain additional information which provide more context about the Documents that have been submitted for translation. eg. While submitting Indesign documents, the reference files usually contain the published source PDF The ReferenceDocuments do not require translation and are not accounted for in the translation wordcounts.

class PDReferenceDocument {
    public $data;
    public $name;
    public function getResourceInfo()
class PDReferenceDocument
    attr_accessor :data
    attr_accessor :name

    def getResourceInfo
        resourceInfo = ResourceInfonew
        resourceInfo.size = @data.length = @name
        return resourceInfo
#No code snippet yet
Method Returns Sumary
getDataAsInputStream InputStream Gets data as InputStream
getName String Gets the name of the document
getResourceInfo Void
Method Parmeter Sumary
setData data Set data from byte array or set data from InputStream or set data from string or set data(byte[]) from string using encoding
setName name Set document name


class PDWorkflow {
    public $name;
    public $ticket;
    function PDWorkflow($externalWorkflow)
class PDWorkflow
    attr_accessor :name;
    attr_accessor :ticket;
    def initialize(externalWorkflow)
        @name =;
        @ticket = externalWorkflow.ticket;
#No code snippet yet
Method Returns Sumary
getWorkflowName String returns the workflow name set up in PD
getWorkflowTicket String returns the workflow ticket for a given WorkflowName


A language direction defines the source and target language direction for which users can submit translation requests.

class PDLanguageDirection {
    public $sourceLanguage;
    public $sourceLanguageName;
    public $targetLanguage;
    public $targetLanguageName;
    function PDLanguageDirection($externalLanguageDirection)
class PDLanguageDirection
    attr_accessor :sourceLanguage
    attr_accessor :targetLanguage
class PDLanguageDirection:
    sourceLanguage = ''
    targetLanguage = ''
    def __init__(self, externalLanguageDirection) :
        self.sourceLanguage = externalLanguageDirection.sourceLanguage.locale
        self.targetLanguage = externalLanguageDirection.targetLanguage.locale
Method Returns Sumary
getSourceLanguage String gets the source language ISO code [e.g. en-US] configured in PD
getSourceLanguageName String gets the source language name [e.g. English (United States)] configured in PD
getTargetLanguage String gets the target language ISO code [e.g. de-DE] configured in PD
getTargetLanguageName String gets the source language name [e.g. German (Germany)] configured in PD


class PDTarget {
    public $clientIdentifier;
    public $documentName;
    public $documentTicket;
    public $sourceLocale;
    public $targetLocale;
    public $metadata;
    public $ticket;
    public $wordCount;
    function PDTarget($externalTarget)
class PDTarget
    attr_accessor :clientIdentifier
    attr_accessor :documentName
    attr_accessor :documentTicket
    attr_accessor :sourceLocale
    attr_accessor :targetLocale
    attr_accessor :metadata
    attr_accessor :ticket
    attr_accessor :wordCount
    def initialize(externalTarget)
        @documentName =
        @sourceLocale = externalTarget.sourceLanguage.locale
        @targetLocale = externalTarget.targetLanguage.locale
        @ticket = externalTarget.ticket
        @documentTicket = externalTarget.document.ticket
        @clientIdentifier = externalTarget.document.documentInfo.clientIdentifier
        @metadata =
class PDTarget:
    clientIdentifier = None
    documentName = None
    documentTicket = None
    sourceLocale = None
    targetLocale = None
    metadata = None
    ticket = None
    wordCount = None
Method Returns Sumary
clientIdentifier String UID configured by client when the document was sent
documentName String Document Name of the document that was submitted for translation
documentTicket String Document Ticket of the source document that was submitted for translation
setadata Hash Metadata in the form of key-value pairs set on the document that was submitted for translation
sourceLocale String Source locale (language ISO code) for this target
submissionName String Submission name
targetLocale String Locale (language ISO code) for this target
ticket String Target Ticket
wordCount String Amount of words for this target
Method Parmeter Sumary
setDocumentName documentName Set Document Name for the document that was submitted for translation


class WordCount {
    public $golden; // int
    public $exact_100; // int
    public $fuzzy; // int
    public $repetitions; // int
    public $nomatch; // int
    public $total; // int
    function WordCount($_golden, $_exact_100, $_repetitions, $_nomatch, $_total)
class PDWordCount 
    attr_accessor :golden
    attr_accessor :exact_100
    attr_accessor :fuzzy
    attr_accessor :repetitions
    attr_accessor :nomatch
    attr_accessor :total
    def initialize(golden, exact_100, repetitions, nomatch, total) 
        @golden = golden;
        @exact_100 = exact_100;
        @repetitions = repetitions;
        @nomatch = nomatch;
        @total = total;
        @fuzzy = total - golden - exact_100 - repetitions - nomatch;
class PDWordCount:
    golden = None
    exact_100 = None
    fuzzy = None
    repetitions = None
    nomatch = None
    total = None

Please note that words are counted and analyzed per segment against a Translation Memory, TM. A TM is a database that stores segments, which can be sentences, paragraphs or sentence-like units (headings, titles or elements in a list) that have previously been translated, in order to aid human translators. The translation memory stores the source text and its corresponding translation in language pairs called “translation units”. Individual words are handled by terminology bases and are not within the domain of TM.

Method Returns Sumary
golden int Total amount of words considered to be 100% matches in context against the TM (either because of previous and next segment match or due to attribute)
exact_100 int Total amoutn of words considered to be 100% matches against the TM
fuzzy int Total amoutn of words considered to be partially matching (99%-75%) against the TM
repetitions int Total amount of words that match in the same document
nomatch int Total amount of words that do not match (75%-0%) against the TM
total int Total amount of words counted on the document (total = golden + exact_100 + fuzzy + repetitions + nomatch)


class PDCustomAttribute {
    public $mandatory;
    public $name;
    public $type;
    public $values;
    function PDCustomAttribute($customAttribute = NULL)
class PDCustomAttribute

    attr_accessor :mandatory
    attr_accessor :name
    attr_accessor :type
    attr_accessor :values

    def initialize(customAttribute = nil)
class PDCustomAttribute:
    mandatory = 'false'
    name = ''
    type = ''
    values = []

Each project can be configured to allow users to specify custom attributes for their submissions. The custom attributes can be either plain text, or an enum. Custom attributes can be used for reporting, billing etc. eg. You could specify a Cost Center as a custom attribute and instruct your account manager to invoice by cost-center

Method Returns Sumary
mandatory Boolean Defines if the attribute is mandatory or not
name string Prints the attribute name
type string Prints the attribute type
values Array Prints the attribute value(s)

Configuration Classes


class PDConfig {
    public $url;
    public $username;
    public $password;
    public $proxyConfig;
    public $userAgent;
class ProjectDirectorConfig
    attr_accessor :password
    attr_accessor :url
    attr_accessor :username
    attr_accessor :userAgent
class ProjectDirectorConfig:
    url = None
    username = None
    password = None
    userAgent = None

Project director configuration

Method Returns Sumary
getPassword String Get Project Director configured password
getProxy Object Get the proxy configuration for communication between adaptor and GLC
getTimeOut Int Get the timeout value configured
getUrl String Get Project Director URL configured
getUserAgent String Returns the user agent configured
getUsername String Get Project Director configured username
isEnableMTOM Boolean Returns TRUE if MTOM is enabled
Method Parmeter Sumary
setEnableMTOM TRUE or FALSE Set it to false to disable MTOM. Default is true
setPassword password Sets Project Director password
setProxy ProxyConfig Set proxy configuration for outbound traffic
setTimeOut timeOut Set response timeout for webservice calls
setUrl url Set the URL of the project director server to connect to
setUserAgent userAgent Sets the user Agent for this client. A user agent is any user friendly identifier which is used to categorize the logging on GlobalLink
setUsername username Sets Project Director username

Proxy Config

class ProxyConfig {
    public $proxyHost;
    public $proxyPort;
    public $proxyUser;
    public $proxyPassword;
#Not available for Ruby
#Not available for Python
Method Returns Sumary
getProxyHost String Returns the configured proxy server IP address or hostname
getProxyPassword String Returns the configured proxy user password
getProxyPort Int Returns the configured proxy server port
getProxyUser String Returns the configured proxy user
Method Parmeter Sumary
setProxyHost proxyHost Set Proxy server IP address or hostname
setProxyPassword proxyPassword Proxy server user password
setProxyPort proxyPort Set Proxy server port
setProxyUser proxyUser Set Proxy user